Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Listen carefully to the words of this song. Too often when we have the choice to sit it out or dance--we sit it out. Don't do that! Dance! The word dance can be seen as a metaphor for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Choose life.
clipped from
 blog it


bp said...

Great song! Thanks for sharing it along with your wisdom to choose life.


Heart2Heart said...


I don't think God designed us to sit back and enjoy life. We were all created for a specific purpose in mind and we need to make sure we are moving in His right direction.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Grace said...

Beautiful song. Thanks for sharing this to us, Clif.

ibbynina said...

I have heard this song before, but not her version. A great arrangement and a great voice! Thanks, Clif!