Monday, March 01, 2010

Pictures from the past.

I never dreamed that pictorial directories made for church members could be so wonderful and produce so many memories.

At the time when they were being made at the churches where I preached I saw them simply as a tool for the present. A tool to help identify church members.

Today, many years later, I look back at those old directories and smile--and sometimes cry.

Many I see on those pages are now dead. Sometimes entire families. Most, however have just grown older. They have married. Started their own families and their children now have children of their own.

I enjoy looking at those old pictures and then seeing pictures of the same people today.


It's always interesting to see how much people change over the years.

Oh not me, of course, just those other folks!


Loren said...

Oh my goodness ~ i know what you mean! I look at our directory and the memories flow ...of our kids, our friends, even where we were in the Lord at the time!

I am sure you haven't changes AT ALL ;)!!

Happy Monday

Heart2Heart said...


This must be like a year book for church members. I know how sad it must be to see those members that have passed on, but hopefully you'll all be reunited once again.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat