Monday, July 05, 2010

I started working at an early age and I have worked all my life. Six years ago I retired.

Now, for six years I have had an opportunity to look at holidays from a different perspective---retirement.

Yesterday, Sunday was Independence Day and so today, Monday is a holiday from work for many people.

But for me, this Monday looks a lot like last Monday or the Monday before that---just another Monday.

After church yesterday our son and daughter came over, which they don't do every Sunday. We had hamburgers and hot dogs from the grill, along with all the other things a diabetic is not suppose to be eating. And then, since I had already blown my diabetic diet, we had watermelon and homemade strawberry ice cream. Hey, my doctor says if we can't enjoy eating this kind of "stuff" on occasion then we might as well not be living. I love my doctor. He may let me die. But I still love his attitude. I will die with a smile on my face.

Today, will be a little bit of the same but putting "stuff" away for another year. The big flag will come down and I will gather up the small ones from around the yard.

The celebration will be over but the love of God, family and country will still be in my heart.

I know I am blessed to live in a country where I can worship freely, provide for and love my family and be free to manage my own work schedule, money (what money?) and LIFE.

Yes, this Monday looks a lot like last Monday and that's good---that's very good!


Cherdecor said...

I am the only one retired in this house so I identify with you. Your Independence Day was the best kind with church and family all in one day. Hope you didn't do yourself too much damage with the special food!

Loren said...

Oh what a great doctor that is for sure! I know you watch it most of the time so every now and then you can fudge! Sooo glad you had your family around you to celebrate together!

My husband had today off so we enjoyed the holiday :)
We worked really hard since we had a house full of family in from out of town so we were OH SO THANKFUL for the day OFF! :)

Happy Monday my friend!

SmilingSally said...

I'm enjoying my Mondays a great deal more these days too, Clif.

We had a great service at church where the theme "freedom" was examined. Then we lunched with our son and daughter-in-law. Out of town relatives are coming in this week, so it should be a busy one.

Have a good week. Kiss Charlotte.

Ruthie said...

Yes, retirement is great! And being with family is the best!
Loved your post.