Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Poor James Dobson has finally " lost it." My contention has always been that if you stay around preachers or preaching very long you will "lose it." And "lose it" he has!

He is threatening to start a third political party because he is not happy with any Republican running. The reason this is so stupid is because it will automatically put Hillary into the White House. What a shame–a great man gone bad. I have always admired Dr. Dobson. I have read several of his books, watched his films and supported his causes. NOT THIS TIME! I am opposed to this with every fiber of my being.

Dobson has a right to feel the way he does about the Republicans running. But he should just stay home and not vote. And because of his tremendous influence over others he should just keep his mouth shut unless asked. He should not be out trying to get others to follow him.

I’m so close to the off ramp that Hillary could be the last President of my life. I would be in hell before my heart ever stopped beating.