Friday, October 26, 2007

Nobody is just an accident. Everybody is a special creation of God. Everybody is so precious in the sight of God that he sent his son to die for us. Nobody should be aborted. A woman has the right to make decisions about how she uses her body. But if she becomes pregnant she does not have the right to kill her child.

Today is our daughter’s birthday. Her roommate from her Pepperdine University days flew in from San Francisco to help us celebrate. CELEBRATE! That’s what you should do about a birth—celebrates it. In our hearts, my wife and I have celebrated all forty-seven years of Carol’s life. And the same thing is true of her younger brother. Life is precious.

Another police officer was killed in our city last night. Several have died in the California fires. Thousands were killed in what is now simply referred to as 9/11. Thousands have been killed in wars, storms, and accidents.

We must never get used to death as if it doesn’t matter. Every life is precious.