Wednesday, October 17, 2007
She was old, bent, and walking slowly. She walked out in front of me as I left the pharmacy section of the medical building. As I started my car I could see she was walking in the direction of the bus terminal. The bus terminal is several blocks from the medical building.
I would have liked to have offered her a ride. But short of seeing her pass out and fall to the sidewalk, I couldn’t stop and offer her anything. Isn’t that a shame? It is a shame, but it’s the world we live in. I didn’t grow up in a world like this. What happened?
When I was young, adults could approach children, women, elderly people and it was safe to do so. Friendliness and kindness were graciously accepted. No so today. Oh, in a rare situation you may be safe in approaching a stranger, but you have to be careful.
I just "goosed" my BMW and roared on down the street and right pass the bus terminal. I asked myself, "What would Jesus do?". I got the answer before I hit 40, but I didn’t slow down. I also remembered they hung him on a tree. I drove on home trying to figure out if I’m a coward–or just smart!
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