Monday, November 12, 2007
I like the following words from Dr. Emile Cailliet:
“Thus in the case of a pilgrim, life may be likened to a journey up and down, on occasion through foggy weather, now and then encouraged by patches of brightness sometimes dim and small. Again, these may grow larger and brighter, and appear at least often enough to sustain the wayfarer in the faith that above and beyond there is a light streaming in a glory of luminous blue—even as he finds himself groping his way through murky weather. …It has always been my experience that the greater the blessing, the darker and more threatening the immediately intervening cloud. The greater our victories in the spiritual realm, the more painful the trials that are sure to follow, in quick succession.”
Nobody said it would be easy—the life of the pilgrim. But pilgrims we are—and we journey on, encouraged by the glimmers of hope that occasionally break through the clouds. If we do what is right, it will be alright!
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