Friday, November 30, 2007

In 1 Thessalonians 5 we are told, “Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.”

“Pray all the time.” Well, that’s what I do and have been doing for years. But my prayer habits or customs have changed. I no longer pray at every meal. Some times I do, sometimes I don’t. Many times it is just not appropriate. I never did pray for every bite of food I popped into my mouth—a candy bar here, a donut there. But I was and am always thankful! I try to live in the spirit of prayer—I pray all the time.

I pray every morning and every night. Well, not every night. Some nights I have just been so tired and sleepy that I fell asleep without praying. But more than in the morning and evening—I pray throughout the day. I have grown tired of the legalistic, “now lets hold hands, bow our heads and pray” kind of praying. I don’t want to talk to my father “by the clock” I want to talk to Him all of the time and about everything—so I do.

As I have gotten older I have changed a lot of habits. I like my new way better and I pray that He does!