Sunday, December 16, 2007

Saturday we went to an afternoon musical. It was designed to strengthen the faith of the Christians and as an outreach to the community. It was a wonderful afternoon. It could not have been better. Following the music there were activity booths, games, snow,and food in the fellowship hall. All designed as an outreach to the community. The taco soup was delicious. We went home with a smile on our face and hope in our hearts.

This morning the service we attended was packed out. There will be eight services before the day is over. Thousands will hear the gospel clearly and passionately presented. The preacher’s message was that Christ came to save us from our sins. Isn’t that wonderful?
The world is in a mess. Your life may be a mess. But if you can pillow your head at night and then get up the morning, kowing that you are saved from your sins—everything is going to be alright. But it’s not enough just to believe that Jesus came. You must know that he came to save you from your sins and respond to him in faith.

That’s what we celebrate at Christmas—the coming of Christ, coming to save us from our sins.