Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Mary and Joseph were not trying to get a room at the Bethlehem Holiday Inn. In fact, we don’t have a shred of evidence that there was a wayfarer’s inn in that little village in Jesus’ day. What we have in Luke 2:1-7 is a story about a guest room. It’s about a family making do when more relatives show up than they have room for. The guest room was in the front of the house, the animal shelter in the back, and Joseph and Mary had come too late to get the guest room. When the baby was born, Mary wrapped him in cloth and laid him in a corn crib.
The important question for us is: Do we have room for Him in our homes? If your guest room is occupied and you have to put Him in the very back, He will surely take over and become the center of attention in due time.
(Adapted from information on Ben Witherington’s blog)
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