Saturday, January 26, 2008
Former Governor Ann Richards of Texas was well known for saying of George W. Bush, “Poor George, he can’t help it.” In my opinion, that’s just the problem. I think he can help it!
If things don’t change, and it doesn’t look like they are going to, George W. Bush is going to destroy the Republican Party. If you are a frequent visitor to this blog you know that I have written often about my devotion to President Bush. I believed, and still do, that God called him to be President at this time. We needed a good man to come to this office to give us some hope. I believe he did that—at least he did for me.
But poor George has messed up a lot of stuff! He has galloped down the wrong trail on spending, the size of government, the ability to prosecute war, illegal immigration and other issues. He not only has messed up these big issues he has annoying habits that he just refuses to give up. He shows no mercy when it comes to mispronouncing some words and he refuses to just “spit it out” when making a speech. He hems and haws until you want to scream.
I would scream but it wouldn’t do any good and I would look just as silly as Poor George.
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