Thursday, January 24, 2008

John Ortberg writes, “Caesar thought his throne in Rome was secure. But the kingdom was lying in a manger in Bethlehem.”

Who’s in charge of things? Not you. Not me.

I like the story called Yertle the Turtle by Dr. Seuss. Yertle thought he ruled over a little pond of turtles. One day he decides his kingdom needs extending, so there went out a decree that all the turtles should be stacked up to become Yertle’s throne. The king lifts his hand, and the whole pond scrambles to obey. First dozens, then hundreds—he could see for miles. Yertel thought his throne was as secure as a throne could be. But it came to pass that at the bottom of the turtle stack there was an obscure, powerless turtle named Mac.

That plain little Mac did a plain little thing.
He burped!
And his burp shook the throne of the King!

Yertle Augustus had a great fall. What about you? Do you think you are in control? You may just be a burp away from a fall. It might be good to run your plans by the One in control.