Monday, April 21, 2008
Cancer? No, not as far as I know. Diabetes? No. I have diabetes but I'm taking care of it. Arthritis? No. I suffer from it but I just keep trudging along. Allergies? No. I am suffering from allergies this season but I am going to make it.
What then?
It’s that darn water hose I bought at Costco!
Oh, it’s not Costco’s fault. They are in the business to make money. They will sell anything we will buy. They didn’t even recommend this hose. They just put it out there and like a fool, I came along and picked it up. I thought that at my age I didn’t need a really great hose—meaning one that would last a long time. I just needed a hose that would allow me to do a little watering in the back yard. But this one won’t allow it! It absolutely will not allow it! It twists into knots, binds up, stops the water flow and refuses to cooperate with anything I want to do.When I was younger I would have thrown this thing in the trash and bought a new one. As I am getting older I have been trying to develop patience (trying but not succeeding) with people and things. But now I've had it!!!
That hose has “bugged” me one time too many! It’s going to the trash and I’m going to Sears.
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