Thursday, April 24, 2008
We are always asking, “What’s the score?” We want to know because in our minds, the score defines reality. It tells us how things are going. How people are doing. We have done this all our lives.
A very important question for each of us is, “Who have been the scorekeepers in my life?
For most of us, the first important scorekeepers were our parents. We wanted to win their attention, smiles and approval. Other important scorekeepers were perhaps our teachers, coaches, peers, bosses, coworkers, neighbors.
It’s my opinion that all through life we attempt to keep winning the approval of these scorekeepers—especially the parents. That’s why we are tied forever to buying a particular brand of car, being a lifetime member of a church, always voting for the same political party candidate and on and on it goes. Even after the parents have died, their scorekeeping influence lives on.
My strong opinion is that some who are in almost total disagreement with their church and miserable in attending cannot under any circumstances make a change because their scorekeepers would not approve. The important question in this matter is not, “What would my parents think?” In the final analysis the only question that matters is, “What would HE think?” Turn your life over to Him and you won’t have to worry about the score
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