Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I was just loading my groceries into the trunk of the car when an elderly couple pulled into the parking space next to mine. It was up close to the building and a good place to park. However, as I closed the trunk lid and started to get in the car, the old man backed out. He then turned up the lane toward another parking place.

I got in my car and before I backed out I looked in the rearview mirror and I was shocked to see the old man backing up at a high speed right toward the back of my car. I went into shock, my heart skipped a few beats and my eyes rolled back in my head. Fortunately I didn’t pass out and I put all my weight on my horn!

He slammed on his brakes and stopped just inches from my car!

He pulled back out, straightened up his car and slowly backed into the parking space he was in to begin with.

He looked over at me, shrugged his shoulders, rolled his eyes and mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” “Sorry?” “You think you’re sorry what about my poor wife, trying to clean up my pants?"