Monday, April 12, 2010

Please listen to the following message and encourage your friends to listen also. I don't usually ask people to do this. Most of the time I feel like intelligent people will do what they feel in their heart they want to do and do what is right without being told or that they just don't care. So either way, I don't ask them to forward messages or copy messages. I just put it out there and let them do what they want. But this time I feel so strongly about this message that I am asking, please help get the message out that we need to pray for our nation. PLEASE!


Nikki (Sarah) said...

HI Cliff, I just read your previous's good. People do find God everywhere. and as for praying for our nations...both here in Canada and in the U.S.God richly bless. Sarah

Heart2Heart said...


I completely agree with this message and the content and agree to do what it states. God is the only one who can heal our land and make us once more a blessed nation.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Ms.Daisy said...

I'm crying and praying at the same time. I will forward this to my friends and I know they will do the same.
God Bless the U.S.A.
