Sunday, October 01, 2006

Today Charlotte and I went back to Lincoln Heights Christian Church to celebrate Homecoming and to watch the elders burn the mortgage.

I taught a Bible Class and all the adult classes came together and many visitors were in attendance. The sanctuary was full at the morning service and the fellowship hall was packed full for a wonderful meal. Long time member, Bob Bradford talked to us about Phoenix and the history of the church in this city. Former associate minister, Sean Smith talked a few minutes about what it means to come home. Other members shared memories, the elders burned the mortgage and we went home smiling.

It was a great day! A day for rejoicing that Lincoln Heights has one of the most impressive pieces of property in the valley and now will have an extra $11,000 a month to put into missions and other good works.


Anonymous said...

I didn't want to "blather on" in front of the whole Sunday school class but I did have a thought about "In the mean time". My husband died, my mother died and I had a desire and plan that God said "NO" to. I moved down here to Marana and found out that my plans would not have been the best for me and also found out that "In the mean time" down here was the very best thing I could have ever done for myself. God's "NO" was perfect for me.

Anonymous said...


It was wonderful to hear you, both during the class, and during the service. You are truly annointed by God to speak and teach His truths. If you're ever speaking or preaching at a time other than 10:30 sunday morning, I'd like to know, as I will make every effort to be there!

And, as a side note, I appreciated your mentioning of Sean Smith during your offertory message.


WhyNotWes? said...

Hey Clif, it was great to have you back at LHCC, even if it was just for one Sunday. You were killing the crowd with the "Dunn and Bradstreet" story.

Thanks for being there. Wes