Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Yesterday I didn’t have anything on my mind or at least, not much.

Today, the only, or almost the only thing on my mind, is finding Charlotte’s lost keys.

Some people lose almost everything. Charlotte and I rarely lose anything. We are careful people—too careful. But she did lose her keys. We have looked “everywhere.” We have searched with urgency!

Whatever happened to the urgency we had for reaching out for “lost” people. I am thinking about people who do not know Christ as their Savior. What about reaching out to them with a sense of urgency? We used to do it. We had evangelistic meetings that lasted for weeks. We conducted home Bible studies for the purpose of conversion. We talked to people one on one about Christ. What happened? Where is the urgency?

Do we value our lost things more than we do our lost friends?

God have mercy on our complacent souls!


Anonymous said...

It is a terrible feeling to lose your keys. I lost mine in Dillards. They were finally found.
Hope you find yours.
