Tuesday, January 05, 2010

I dream of the old days when:

Nobody had ever heard the words politically correct.

It was a joy to live close to a school and watch the kids come and go.

You could leave your doors and windows open at night.

Your children could play outside after dark.

You respected crossing guards, teachers, preachers, coaches, doctors, lawyers, policemen--ALL ADULTS!

You thought it was an honor to grow up to be President of the United States.

If we went to war it meant we intended to kill people and win the war and do it as quickly as possible.

When we arrested someone for breaking the law, judgment and punishment came swiftly.

We recognized the United States as a great nation and a Christian nation.

My dream goes on and on. Oh that we could return to simpler living!


Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...


aspiritofsimplicity said...


Heart2Heart said...


Ever thought about running for office of said "president of the United States"? I love what you stand for and what you represent.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Mevely317 said...

Me, too .... Amen, that is!
Curious, just this morning I started playing with a draft re. (so-called) political correctness. Let's just be REAL, shall we?

Kelly said...

Again, I agree with you. We, as a family, have chosen to live a simpler life on a personal level, and it would be so nice to see the country; the world; do so as well. I have never and will never strive to be "politically correct".

I only strive to be "spriritually correct".

Lori Heyd said...

Cliff, yes I grew up in that world and I want it back!