Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday used to mean the beginning of a busy work week for me. Not anymore. Monday is just like every other day—the same.

For some strange reason I woke up this morning thinking about the future. I don’t know why. It may be because I keep hearing about the fighting going on in the Middle East and wondering what will happen next.

It’s really a good thing that we do not know the future! I could illustrate this truth a dozen ways, but I won’t. I’ll let you run the thought through your own head and come up with your own illustrations.

The Bible makes it clear that we cannot know the future and that we need to live life one day at a time. It also makes it clear that one day is enough for us to handle.

So when I say, “Have a good day” I mean it sincerely. That one day is all you have—so have a good one!


WhyNotWes? said...

Have a good day Clif!

Anonymous said...

Looks as if it is just you, me and Wes and an occasional Anonymous. Don't give up, I get up every a.m. and look forward to your blog. Betcha others do too and just don't bother to reply. I enjoy being a "fly on the wall" in respect to seeing what is on your mind any day.