Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Today is mine and Charlotte's forty-eighth wedding anniversary.

We have enjoyed forty-eight years of happiness.

We feel blessed indeed and we are thankful.

We do not believe that God intends for everybody to be married, but we do believe He intended for us to be married--and to each other.

Today, we rejoice with all of those who are happily married. We pray that God will give you many more years together.


Anonymous said...

happy anniversary!!

Anonymous said...

No one is happier that you were happily married 48 years ago than me - well, maybe my brother.

Anonymous said...

Hey friends, I have not read your blog for a couple of days and I missed the big event. I don't even have to wish you a happy belated for I know that it was. You made it 8 years longer than I did. CONGRATULATIONS.

Anonymous said...


Happy Anniversary! Thank you for the example you and Charlotte have shown of what a Godly marriage looks like.

WhyNotWes? said...

Congrats Clif! You two are a great model for marriage! Wes