Saturday, December 02, 2006
In the morning at Lincoln Heights Christian Church all the adult Bible classes will meet in the fellowship hall for refreshments and then I will teach on the Scripture, “Narrow is the gate and straitened the way that leadeth unto life and few are they that find it.” The truth that the destination we reach depends not on our ideals alone but on the bus we catch is personally critical. For the most part we do desire good things: happy homes, respectable characters, an honorable standing in our friends’ eyes. Are we on the right bus? In this Scripture we confront the serious implications of a law-abiding universe. It’s one thing to desire a great goal; it is another thing to fulfill the conditions of reaching it, and the conditions must be fulfilled. Consider further that we face here not only the profound implication of a law-abiding universe but one of the most searching tests of our own personal sincerity. It is one thing, and comparatively easy too, to desire something ideal and right; it is another thing to be willing to pay the price. We are dealing here with one of the most common causes of brokenhearted regret and penitence. It is easy to catch the wrong bus. We do it when we do not mean to. The gospel is that there is a right way, offered us in Christ. It does cost but it leads to life. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”
At the morning worship hour I will be preaching on, “The Essential Elements in a Vital Christian Experience.” I am excited to be going to the pulpit again. I will have a Bible in my hand and a message on my heart.
I hope to see you at these worship and study opportunities.
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