Friday, February 22, 2008

Little George Washington is reported to have said, I cannot tell a lie; it was me when his father asked, “Who cut down the tree?” This may be the most famous story about lying in American history. This story was told by Parson Weems in a biography written in the nineteenth century.

The most famous story about not lying in America was a lie. (A quote from John Ortberg)

Politicians are always being accused of lying. Today it is John McCain. Tomorrow it will be somebody else. But politicians are not alone in this. It seems that we all are caught up in lying. Repair shops pad their bills, job seekers pad their resumes, teens lie to their parents, spouses lie to each other and on and on it goes—one lie after another.

The sad thing is—nobody seems to notice too much unless it is somebody famous doing the lying. Bill Clinton and John McCain should not lie, but neither should we!