Saturday, February 16, 2008
Lloyd John Ogilvie spoke at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, California recently on the subject, Preaching with Passion. That’s it folks. If a person is going to preach, he should preach with passion or not at all. If he can’t do it, or won’t do it, then he should quit. He may not need to leave the ministry but he definitely should leave the pulpit. It’s a sin to make people sit, week after week, listening to someone who is just muddling through. Do it with passion or don’t do it! I am thankful to God that I sit every week at the feet of a man who studies the Word and then clearly presents it with passion.
But since I don’t have a host of preachers reading this blog, I need to write about passion in general. We need to do everything we do with passion.
I listened to Celion Dion sing last night in a special concert on television. Wow! Celion knows how to sing with passion and more passion. Wow! Wow!
Read with passion, talk with passion, sing with passion, LIVE A PASSIONATE LIFE!
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