Monday, May 22, 2006

Cambridge’s Christian Heritage is recovering the past, challenging the present and shaping the future. They are equipping Christians in Cambridge.

Two trips to London left me deeply impressed with the wonderful, old, church buildings and the huge cathedrals. The buildings are wonderful—but they are empty.The people, not only in London, but all over Europe have stopped going to church.

The United States is heading in the same direction. Yes, a lot of people still go to church in America but our society is becoming more secular every day.

The world view I grew up with was one embraced by the majority. That is rapidly changing.

The Christian Heritage group is located at the historically old Round Church at Cambridge. They are equipping Christians to not only present the gospel to others but to passionately persuade them to accept Christ. Sounds like the New Testament.

They teach about the problem of evil, science and the Bible, the main worldviews, our worst doubts, the cultural context today, and more.

Cambridge is one of the education centers of the world. Pray for the Christians who are serving Christ in that place.