Saturday, August 05, 2006

He was scheduled to arrive between 10:00 and 12:00 A.M. He came between 1:30 and 2:00. He burst into our home like a summer monsoon in Scottsdale. He talked, talked some more, worked, played music, sang, and left talking.

Pete was supposed to be at our home for about two hours. He stayed five.

We didn’t mind having him but we were trying to leave for dinner.

Finally, he was leaving. He saw our piano. He said I will play for you. He played music from Dr. Zhivago and of course music from Romania.

We have had other workers in our home this week beside Pete. They didn’t talk much and when they did it was in Spanish (which I don’t understand). They didn’t sing, and they didn’t play the piano. They may have danced, but I didn’t see them. I think they were too tired to be entertaining.

Thanks for coming by Pete. Better late, than never!