Sunday, August 05, 2007
She was dressed neatly and had a great smile. When I first noticed her she was trying to pick up some money she had dropped. The grocery clerk came from behind the counter and helped her. She dropped some more money and that’s when she said, “I ought to just go home and stay in bed.”
I’m ashamed to admit that although I didn’t agree with her assessment of the situation I did want her to complete her transaction and get out of the way. She finally did get herself together and start toward the door. When asked if she needed help with her groceries, she replied, “No, when I get out of here I will be ok.”
We all smiled. She left. When our groceries were bagged I rolled our cart toward the door only to get there and find this same lady, blocking the door with her cart and putting money back into her purse. I waited awhile and then decided to go around her and squeeze through the door. But just as I made my move she started pushing her cart again and we almost bumped into each other. She smiled and apologized for getting in my way. I smiled and let her go first.
I watched as she slowly moved across the parking lot to her car. I thought, she probably at one time was a vibrant, intelligent, active woman and all parts of her body and mind were working wonderfully. Now, as she sees herself in the mirror of life, she thinks, “I ought to just go home and stay in bed.”
I offered up a silent little prayer, “God watch over her and help the rest of us to meet her and receive her with GRACE.
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