Sunday, August 19, 2007
War is hell and hell is horrible!
When will it end? It will not end until we understand who our enemy is and it looks like that is never going to happen.
Liberal, political correctness is wrong headed thinking that has us believing that the only Muslems who want to kill us are radical Muslems. Hear this loud and clear: ALL MUSLEMS WANT TO KILL US EXCEPT THE RADICAL ONES! There are a few—very few, radical Moslems who do not go along with what Islam believes and teaches. True Muslems hate us and want us dead.
Our young men and women are dying on foreign soil fighting a battle that liberal, political correctness will not allow them to win. We have superior forces and armaments and we could win if allowed to. We need to pray for leadership that will find the backbone to stand up to evil, name it for what it is, and kill it!
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