Friday, June 25, 2010
WE ARE AT WAR WITH THE TALIBAN --OK, then kill them! Do it with a purpose. Don't warn them you are coming, just go in and kill them if they do not surrender to your will. And then go home and leave the people of that country free to do their own thing. But don't say you are at war with them and send our young men and women there to die if you don't intend to go in with full force and kill the enemy. Just don't do it. Shut up and stay at home.IT'S AGAINST THE LAW TO COME INTO THIS COUNTRY WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE GOVERNMENT---OK, then those who break this law have to be punished in some way--not rewarded. If illegals are not going to be arrested then shut up and drop the law. It's that simple.
DO THAT ONE MORE TIME AND YOU ARE GOING TO GET A SPANKING --OK, then give the kid a spanking or shut up.
Should we go to war, make it illegal to enter our country without permission, or tell a child he will be spanked if he/she disobeys? That's debatable! I have my opinion. You have yours. We can talk about it. What is not debatable in my mind is saying one thing and doing something else.
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