Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Whatever happened to conviction?

Today if you are a person of conviction you are considered a radical.

I don’t believe it’s possible to be a person of spirit unless you also have a slightly radical streak. You don’t have to be a tyrant and you don’t have to be mean spirited.

When your convictions are really convictions, you will be radical. There will be things that you simply cannot bear to see happen or continue to happen.

All lovers of truth are radical. They stand for liberty and justice.

Men like Bill O’ Reilly and women like Ann Coulter are radical. Sometime they are too radical! But I appreciate the fact they stand for something. I would hate to see them squelch that spirit.

Take a stand! Shows some guts!


Anonymous said...

great point Clif. The trick is for people to still be kind and not wacko yet speak their mind. I like the way you do it.