Saturday, June 12, 2010
Harry Emerson Fosdick preached at Riverside Church in New York City for two decades. He had one of the most influential preaching ministries in the United States. He was liberal, I am conservative. I disagree with him on many points of doctrine. But I recognize the ability he had to communicate what he believed and much of what he believed we need to hear. The following is taken from one of his messages: On Catching the Wrong Bus....the newspapers carried the story of a man who boarded a bus with the full intention and desire of going to Detroit, but when at the end of a long trip he alighted at the destination, he found himself, not in Detroit, but in Kansas City. He had caught the wrong bus. Something like that goes on habitually in human life. People on the whole desire good things--happiness, fine family life, competence in their work, the respect of their friends, an honorable old age. Nothing is more common in our consciously held desires and intentions than such good goals, but after a long trip, how many, alighting at the destination, find themselves somewhere else altogether.
The Prodigal Son did not start out for a swine pasture.
This truth that the destination we reach depends not on our ideals alone but on the bus we catch, is personally critical.
"Narrow is the gate, and straitened the way, that leadeth unto life, and few are they that find it." Matthew 7:13-14.That's it! To desire life, full, abundant, happy, free---when Jesus talks about that goal, saying, "I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly," we find it easy to desire, but are we willing to face the road that leads to it?
For one thing, we confront the serious implications of a law abiding universe. It is one thing to desire a great goal; it is another thing to fulfill the conditions of reaching it.
Consider further that we face here one of the most searching tests of our own personal sincerity. It is one thing to desire something ideal and right; it is another thing to be willing to pay the price.
"Narrow is the gate, and straitened the way, that leadeth unto life, and few are they that find it."
This is so very true Clif....Sometimes when having those conversations with "others" who say God is a loving God and why would HE condemn if HE is love or HE will surely receive because they were a "good"person, that they could grasp this !!
Happy Spiritual Sunday my friend
How often over the years I wished someone had heard or read or knew this particular thought. Once again I find myself in that place with your thought for today, Connie
Hi Clif, I enjoyed this post. It gives me alot to think about! Happy Spiritual Sunday.
Thank you for sharing this with us, Clif! Have a blessed weekend with your bride!
Thank you for sharing such an insightful me food for thought today...God bless..
Thank you for sharing this today, Clif. I particularly like this, "the Prodigal Son did not start out for a swine pasture." Even when we make mistakes and take the wrong path, the Heavenly Father welcomes us back home.
Good Evening Clif. Thank you for sharing this message today. Blessings to you both.
Wow! I'm linking all kinds of scenerios about intentions and ending up in an unintended place. It's so important to stay close to the Lord so that we will hear Him say to us, "This is the way, walk in it." Great post. God bless, Dr. Bobbi
"It is one thing to desire something ideal and right; it is another thing to be willing to pay the price."
That is a strong statement but oh, so true. Thank God, Jesus paid the ultimate price but there is a price to pay for walking with Jesus but waiting at the end are crowns that we get to lay at the feet of Jesus. What a tremendous payoff that we get to show our gratitude in a tangible way. That will be a glorious day.!
Every time I read this Scripture I wonder how many people realize how narrow the gate is. It scares me to be honest.
God Bless,
this is so timely for me...I've been praying for God to open doors to use what I lived. Paying the price? I can't see a life doing anything else but giving back to the One who gave me life. ☺
Hi Clif, you have really given me something to think about, and pray about. So many times it is easier to speak the words than to live them. I pray for courage to pay the price. -- Yoli :)
I agree with Ginger. I'm afraid the gate is far narrower than most people think. So many are traveling the "broad way" that leads to destruction.
Thanks, Clif, for reminding us that eternal life requires sacrificial living.
A very thought provoking post! Thank you.
Thank you for that thought provoking post, Cliff. That is a great sermon. Blessings ~
This pastor is a wonderful communicator!
PS Your post reminds me of the Bible verse that speaks about the unity of our faith. Not our doctrine or our personal political views, but the unity of our FAITH. Thanks Clif!
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