Friday, December 03, 2010

By Shaun Alexander

OVERVIEW: This is a book that gives clear direction and spiritual power for your life. Shaun Alexander writes about our tendency to run ahead of God or lag behind. He helps us learn how to walk with God through the stages of spiritual maturity that will transform our lives with biblical wisdom, God's direction, and the power of the Holy Spirit. He shows us that with God on our side, we will have an unprecedented impact on others.

AUTHOR: Shaun Alexander was drafted by the Seattle Seahawks after a standout football career at the University of Alabama. A three-time Pro Bowl selection, in 2005 he set an NFL record by scoring twenty-eight touchdowns. In the same season, he set a team record by gaining 1,880 rushing yards and leading his team to the Super bowl. Today, Shaun travels the country speaking to business and military audiences, at sports camps, and at churches and Christian conferences--appearing in front of thousands of people He is a gifted communicator and Bible teacher who points listeners toward exceptional achievement by aligning their lives with God's perfect will.

MY REVIEW: This is a good book. This is a powerful book. This would be a great book to give to seekers and to new converts. There are six parts: The Unbeliever, The Believer, The Example, The Teacher, The Imparter and Walking the Walk. I like this book because it is easy to understand. But we have to do more than understand God's directions for our lives--we have to follow them. Shaun is not perfect of course, but as you read his book you get the feeling he is a good example. He practices what he "preaches." There is a discussion guide in the back of the book which makes this a good book for class or small group discussions. So if you are looking for a book that will help you with your own walk or if you want to help someone else, I recommend The Walk.

ADDITIONAL REVIEW NOTE: I feel the need to write a few words of explanation about one part of Shaun's book that I am still thinking about and studying. Hopefully this will not take away from my recommendation. I just feel the need to explain that I do not feel "comfortable" with a couple of stories that Shaun tells about miracles. I must say quickly that I do believe in miracles. I believe God can do anything He wants to. I have never experienced instant physical healing or someone raised from the dead. Shaun says he has. I'm not saying he hasn't. I'm writing this so you will not think that I am teaching this. I want you to study and decide for yourself.


Loren said...

I have considered getting this book more than once to review and after reading your comments I think you have convinced me it is one that I would enjoy!

Thank you for your honesty! How awesome is it that God has allowed Shaun to see such amazing miracles! I can't even imagine!!

Happy Weekend

Anonymous said...

I must read this book!