Thursday, December 01, 2011

I'm comin' home, I've done my time
Now I've got to know what is and isn't mine
If you received my letter tellin' you I'd soon be free
Then you'll know just what to do if you still want me
If you still want me

Ok! Ok! I'm not Tony Orlando. But I have been away from "regular" blogging and I am comin' home.

Some of you have been kind enough to let me know that you miss me. In the words of one blogger---Kathy Barr, "I just wanted to let you know that, although I think your book reviews are well done and thorough and informative, I miss your personal writing -- your stories and anecdotes."

For a long period of time I wrote a blog post every day. I felt obligated to do it and less than I should be if I didn't. One day I "woke up" and said to myself, "I'm taking a break from blogging except for book reviews." And so I did!

I stopped blogging every day and I stopped writing every weekend for my wife's blog, Spiritual Sundays." When writing for Spiritual Sundays I was also reading every post and leaving comments. That made for a very busy weekend.

Well, so much for all that. I'm comin' home--if you still want me. No need to tie any yellow ribbons around trees I wouldn't see them anyway. And I'm not on a bus.

What I would like is for you to leave a comment on my blog and also subscribe as a friend.

I will be coming around again visiting your blogs and leaving comments.



Saleslady371 said...

So glad you're back, Clif. Blogger world isn't the same without you!

Anonymous said...

Clif, I was just thinking about you and your absense of blogs just a few days ago. Happy to see you back.

Connie P.

bp said...

Nice to hear from you again! I've missed your posts as well.

Mevely317 said...

Perhaps I'd missed reading something about your planning to take a break?
.... But was becoming a little concerned.
You've been missed!

Anonymous said...

So glad you're back! I always look forward to your comments.


Loren said...

I have done this very thing over this past week....It's been nice too :) I have done my book reviews and that is about it....Your words are ever ringing in my ear! God & Family first! Seriously, you have no idea how many times I hear you saying that and keeping me in check! Well, something had to go last week and it was my blogging time!

I know I have been hit & miss in visiting you and Charlotte but I hope you both know that you are both in my thoughts daily!

So glad you are back to blogging :) Hope your week is blessed!