Saturday, April 15, 2006

It seems to me, you can’t think of the cross without thinking about grace. In a recent Christianity Today article, David Neff talked about how the old hymns capture our condition. I love the old hymns. Some days an old hymn will come to mind and then for several minutes I will sing one after another. I love the new contemporary music (some of it) but I miss singing the old hymns. The church we attend still sings hymns, but not as many as I would like.

The following hymns help us to center on God’s grace: “Rock of Ages,” “Amazing Grace,” and “Just as I Am.”

These hymns help us to see that:

*We are unable to contribute anything to our salvation.

*God initiates the saving encounter of grace.

*Jesus’ dying in our place is the price of grace.

Grace is a good word. It is one of those words I like to say to myself. It makes me feel good. G R A C E! Oh, how we need it.


Anonymous said...

OK! I will try this again. I wrote out the following (hope I can replicate it) early this a.m. and was thwarted, once again, by the computer. It was bumped off.

GRACE! I am leaning heavily on grace. Yes, "Amazing Grace" is one of my favorite hymns but...I have another song about grace that is my all time favorite, up until now. It is called, "The Only Word for Grace is Amazing", composed by a man named Kirk Talley. Kirk has composed many songs which I love and touches my heart. AS with all of us, he also depends on grace. His story about the need and great thankfullness for grace is heart breaking and his particular practice of some phases of religion may not be what we all would practice but, be that what may, his need for grace brings out wonderful songs. I love them. If you are interested go to his web site and read his own testimony.