Wednesday, September 27, 2006

He walks by our house in the mornings on his way to school. He has a cigarette in his mouth and a can of something in his hand—it looks like a coke but it could be a beer. How sad! Do cigarettes really stunt your growth? Well not in his case. He is a towering six footer—at least. Are the cigarettes going to harm him in other ways? Doctors thinks so, and I agree with them. Besides, smoking is such a stupid habit. You roll up tobacco in a piece of paper, put it in your mouth and set it on fire. You then puff on it until it smokes and then you suck some of it into your throat.

One evening I was out in my drive washing the car. Chris waddled over and told me I couldn’t wash my car at night. I guess he thought I was stupid. I told him I could do anything I wanted to. I guess he is now saying the same thing. He was about two or three years old when he advised me about the car. He is now seventeen.