Tuesday, February 01, 2011

I'm easily intimidated.

I thought long and hard before joining a health club.

Strip down to shorts and a light shirt for exercising? I can do that. It gets hot in Arizona. I often wear shorts.

But have you been to a gym lately? Many of the people running around there look like they could be personal trainers. Well, many of them are. But most of them just walked in off the street like I did.

But they don't look like I do.

Oh some of them do. In fact some of them look worse than I do. I take no joy in that. Well, maybe a little joy.

But the thing that really intimidates me is that some of these heavy lifting, muscle bounds are women—old women.

Last September I decided to step out of my comfort zone. I signed on the "dotted line." I joined the club.

Charlotte and I have been working out four days a week ever since.

We feel great. She looks great. And I am starting to look better. There's hope!

I have been thinking. It's the same way with faith. It doesn't take anymore effort to stay filled with faith than it takes to develop a negative attitude.

I dare you to step out of your comfort zone. God has much more in store for you. Keep believing. Stay faithful. Stretch your faith. See what God can do with your life.


Loren said...

Soo proud of both of you! I can remember back in high school when I dated a guy older than me and he won the title "Mr Oklahoma" in body building. His partner when competing as a couple was a woman twice our age but OMG she had HUGE muscles. It really was NOT ATTRACTIVE at all LOL They won numerous contests together but WOW. just wasn't pretty and talk about intimidating :)

p.s. Have you seen our Ok weather in the news? INSANE!!